Your personal data (including sensitive personal data) that you enter into this report is handled in accordance with the University's Privacy Policy, the Student Privacy Notice and this privacy notice. These provide information about how we protect your privacy.
Please also see our policies and procedures specifically our zero tolerance approach to harassment, hate crimes and sexual misconduct as set out by our Centre for Equity and Inclusion.
We may use the information you provide for the purpose of:
Helping us to identify the best person for you to speak to in relation to your report. This will be dedicated member of staff who will support you in feeling heard and understood in your experience.
Monitoring patterns or trends in data that will be used to inform our proactive and preventative work. When reporting anonymously, we will not ask you for any personal identifiable details. We will not be able to offer direct advice or take any action on the report. We will keep an anonymised record of your report to identify whether there have been/are other similar reports and whether there is a pattern of behaviour or trends that should be addressed.
Making a report does not initiate a formal process, and we will not take any action until we have spoken with you to discuss your report. We will not disclose any personal or identifiable information to any other party unless we believe there is a genuine threat to a person's health and safety.
At any time, you may ask that we stop processing your personal data and that we safely and securely delete the information you gave us.
Your identity and your other personal data will be disclosed within London Metropolitan University on a need to know basis only, and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent unless there are legitimate reasons requiring us to do so, for example, where the information you have provided highlights a potential risk to a person's health and safety.
If you’d like to know more about how we process your personal information or have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer at